Recitation of Quran


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الثلاثا 25 رمضان 1446
Tuesday March 25 2025
Fajr 5:31 am
Shurooq 7:11 am
Duhr 1:23 pm
Asr 4:52 pm
Maghrib 7:36 pm
Ishaa 9:06 pm

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What is the Purpose of Life?

Such a simple question, but so many answers. You travel through your entire life working, eating, procreating and so o­n, then you die and your life will come to an abrupt end, with nothing substantial to show for your entire life. Everything you are aware of has a purpose, food, a house, a car, even the sole of your shoe has a purpose. Hence, if all of those things have a purpose and your life is purposeless, you openly admit that the sole of your shoe is more important than yourself because it has a purpose while you don't. These things are so simple yet they have a purpose.

Now, look at the human body, such a complex system, yet many today are so narrow-minded that they believe they came into existence by themselves. Without a doubt, our existence is impossible without a Creator, and the Creator would never create something without a purpose, as can be seen from the realities that everything does have a purpose. Thus, mankind was also created and does have a purpose, and that purpose is to worship the Supreme Creator Alone, as revealed in the Quraan "And I (Allaah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone)" (51:56). The o­ne Who created the heavens and the earth and all that exists, the o­ne Who neither has a son, nor a mother, nor exists within an idol, nor exists everywhere, nor does your Creator exist within a human. Any thinking mind would know that anything partly human cannot be divine, and be aware that your Creator is divine and is free from all human descriptions. Your purpose of existence is to worship o­nly the Creator Alone without associating anything with Him. Therefore, it is imperative that mankind understand that they were created to worship Allaah Alone. The religion we call you to is Islaam, it is the religion of Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and the last of the Prophets & Messengers, Muhammad (peace be upon them all). They are just 5 of the Prophets & Messengers sent by the Creator to convey to mankind that they should worship the o­ne True God Alone.

O reader, the Creator gave you a mind to think, to differentiate the truth from falsehood, so ponder seriously and you will ascertain that Islaam is the Truth. Know that the Creator is separate and distinct from His creation. Islaam in its' essence calls mankind away from the worshipping of creation and to direct their worship to the Creator Alone. Now that you know that your purpose in this life is to worship the Creator, Who has given you a life so that you may worship Him Alone. The question is asked "Who is your Creator?"

Who is Your Creator?

A question to ponder upon for those who reflect o­n the purpose of life, and everything that we are exposed to, the animals, the plants, the sky, the oceans and the mountains, etc. Who created all of these magnificent creations that we are witnessing? Who is responsible for their motion? Who sustains them? O reader, question yourself now and answer it truthfully. Could all of this have been created by man, or an idol, or did it just bring itself into existence? The answer is definitely NO! The reason for this is that all of the things that we are exposed to were themselves created. Therefore, all created things and mankind must have a creator. A Creator Who is unlike and incomparable to anything we can think of, as is revealed in the Quraan "There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing" (42:11).
The o­ne Who deserves to be worshipped Alone, Who rose above the heavens in a manner that befits His Majesty. Allaah, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise, the o­ne Who has given us life and the o­ne Who will take it away, the o­ne Who has given us everything, yet we are still negligent about worshipping Him. The Creator Who has sent us Prophets & Messengers, revelations and has created us with an intellect to think. The ability to know the truth from falsehood, a mind to accept that the Creator is o­ne and has no partner or equal. Why then are we so naive to think that the Supreme Creator of the heavens and the earth exists within an idol? Why do we then say that the Creator has a mother, or has begotten a son? Reflect o­n these statements for a moment and you will see how wrong and unjust you are to the status of your Creator, Allaah, the o­ne Who created the heavens, the earth and all that exists.

Allaah is an Arabic name for the "One True God." The same God worshipped by Noah, Abraham, David, Jesus, Muhammad and all of the Prophets and Messengers (peace be upon them all).

Allaah is the Creator, the Sustainer and the Organizer of the universe and everything that is within. He is the o­ne and o­nly Deity that has the right and truly deserves to be worshipped. All created things are in need of Allaah for their sustenance, but be fully aware that Allaah is not in need of His creation.

The o­ne Who controls the night & day, the o­ne Who knows everything that is taking place in the universe.

O reader, your Creator is neither a male nor a female, but your Creator is Unique and He is the o­nly o­ne worthy of worship. No o­ne deserves or is worthy of worship except Allaah, our Creator. The o­ne Who has commanded us all to be Muslims.

Why Did God Create?

From the point of view of God, an even more fundamental question needs to be asked, Why did God create? This question should be asked because humankind is not, in fact, the greatest creation. God says in the Quran:
Indeed, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of mankind do not realize it.

The composition of human beings is far less complex than the composition of the universe in which they exist. However, very few people reflect o­n this reality. Because of the apparent supremacy of human beings over the other creatures o­n this earth, man's journeys through space and the continued advancement of their technology and knowledge, humankind in every age becomes arrogant and considers itself the greatest thing in this world. It is worth noting that the majority of humankind's amazing discoveries are not concerning the human being, but his surroundings. Thus, human efforts tend to be focused o­n the material world rather than human beings. In this verse, God brings human beings back to their actual status in this world. Humankind is merely a small part of the existence which resulted from the miraculous act of divine creation. Thus, in order to understand why God created mankind, o­ne first needs to answer the even more fundamental question of why God created.

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